Why hire a logistics operator

qua, 08 de abril de 2020 às 13:30

Why hire a logistics operator:

"1. Cost savings

Cost reduction is, perhaps, the main reason that leads companies to adopt logistical outsourcing. It occurs through the reduction of the payroll and the charges related to them and the exchange of some fixed costs for variables. In other words, with outsourced management, your business only absorbs expenses related to the work that has been carried out, especially as your company enjoys resources (warehouse, forklifts, people, ...) shared by other companies.
2. Assurance that management is done by teams with specialized know-how
Another great benefit that logistics outsourcing provides for companies is the execution of processes by teams of specialists, who seek continuous improvement and knowledge of the best market practices. Therefore, due to the sum of the companies' specialized skills in the activities in which they operate, we expect even better results.

3. Simplified process control

As the management of the execution of the process becomes the responsibility of the contracted logistics operator, the role of the logistics manager in the contracting company is to analyze the results, compare them with the objectives that have been defined and verify improvements and the reasons they may have led to the non-fulfillment of the defined goals, also help in the identification of alternatives and solutions. Regarding the operational part, execution of work processes and methods, it becomes the commitment and responsibility of the logistics operator.

4. Use of specific equipment

In addition to knowledge about the activities that outsourced and specialized companies have, they have specific equipment for the work to be performed. Therefore, the contracting company does not have to bear the costs of purchasing and maintaining these tools.

5. Increase in service quality

With logistics outsourcing, it is possible for the contractor to focus on the core activity. In other words, while your team can direct efforts to improve its activities, you have the certainty that the logistics activities are also being carried out by teams that have full capacity and specific knowledge. ”

6. Cash flow relief

And if for your company you are an importer and it is important for you to have capital from third parties, there is the possibility that the import operation by order, given the benefit provided for the client to use capital from a trading company to relieve cash flow and balance. "